Creative Photography Ideas for Beginners

If you are just starting in photography or maybe you have been doing it for a year at least. These are some fun and creative photography ideas that you can try out for low or no cost to do. In this post, I will discuss three creative photography ideas that you can try out as a beginner. I like these ideas because you can do them a lot of times and not get the same result twice, so there’s a lot of room to expand on them and make them your own.

Prism Photography

Prisms are great tools for adding creative effects to your photography and can be used to capture unique images. With some experimentation, using a prism can add a new dimension to your photography and help you achieve interesting effects that would be impossible to create otherwise. There are many types of prisms that will let you create different types of effects. Triangular prisms are most common and are great for creating interesting reflections and distortions.

Try using the prism at different times of the day and in different lighting conditions. You can experiment with backlighting, silhouetting, and other lighting setups to see how the prism interacts with other light sources. Don't just focus on the prism itself. Use it as a tool to frame your shot and play around with focus points to create unique and exciting images. The key to making the most of your prism's creative potential is through practice and experimentation. Keep trying out different angles, lighting conditions, and compositions to find your own creative vision. With a little creativity and experimentation, you can use this versatile tool to create stunning and unique images that express your vision.

Long Exposure Photography

Long-exposure photography is another creative technique that is used to capture a sense of motion or time in photos. By using a longer shutter speed, the camera is able to capture light over a longer period of time, resulting in blurred and streaked elements in the image. You can get interesting compositions by playing with faster or slower shutter speeds and faster or slower motion from your subject. Try photographing, waterfalls, stars, moving cars, or flashlights. With a longer shutter speed, you can really have time to be creative as the camera will capture a ton of light in a dark setting.

For long-exposure photography, you are going to need a tripod and a camera with manual controls, as well as an understanding of exposure settings and composition. The possibilities and outcomes are endless here, you can use multiple light sources and capture motion in a number of ways.


Shooting with reflections can add a unique and artistic element to your photography. You can capture reflections in water, glass, or other reflective surfaces, to create visually stimulating shots that can capture a moment in time in a way that wouldn't have otherwise been possible. Reflections can be used to create symmetry, leading lines, and contrasts, which can add depth and dimension to an image. Additionally, reflections can also evoke a sense of mystery and can be used to create abstract images. This idea can get even more creative in post-production. Try multiple poses in the same reflection and when capturing the subject and reflection mask out and replace the reflection with one from another shot. You could possibly make the subject interact with the reflection and other creative compositions.

These are just a few creative ideas to try out as a beginner in photography or even if you are more experienced. These ideas cost little or no money to execute and they can help you better understand settings, light, and composition just by trying them out.


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