5 Tips To Look Slimmer In Photos (With Examples)!

There are so many times we go out by ourselves or with our friends and want some photos taken. You look and feel great but when the camera snaps it’s not always what we expect. Taking photos can be awkward if you are not sure how to pose or what to do with your hands. In this post, I will give you 5 tips to help you look thinner in your pictures, and show off that beautiful body.

  1. Shoot at a high angle

Whatever is closest to the camera is going to appear the largest. By shooting at a high angle you shift the focus to your face and shoulders and the rest of your body appears smaller.


2. Show your neck

We want to avoid a double chin at all costs. Make sure to slightly tilt your head upwards when you pose for the picture. This will help give your jawline a more defined look. (*Bonus Tip: Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth to tighten your facial muscles)


3. Put one leg in front of the other

Standing at a 45-degree angle and putting one leg in front of the other will lengthen your entire silhouette and crossing your ankles will help elongate your legs. Putting one leg in front of the other is a great way to appear slimmer in your pictures.


4. Sit on the edge of your seat

You may not always be standing so sitting on the edge of your seat is a good way to appear thinner while in a sitting pose. When you sit back in a seat we can often slouch over. Without the back support, sitting on the edge, crossing your legs, and sitting straight will make you appear slim in the images.


5. Position your arms away from your body

Having your arms flat against your body will make you look wider even if you are already really slim. You want to turn your arms away from the camera and bend your elbows slightly towards the front of your hip area. Placing your hand on your hips will also help to create visually appealing angles in your images.


We don’t always love the way we look in photos, but sometimes it can just be about hacking the angles and putting your best foot forward. With these 5 Tips you can practice and improve your posing in pictures!


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